Saturday, December 11, 2010

CityVille Facebook Cheats & Hints | Beginner's Guide in FaceBook CityVille|How to cheat on Facebook CityVille


How to Cheat in Facebook CityVille | How to Hack CityVille Facebook

Hey Citizens! Ever thought of creating the perfect city? Now you can, in CityVille! Create and run your own city. In CityVille, you’ll start from the ground up, literally. Start your city by growing crops and supplying goods to your newest stores and eateries. Don’t forget to collect rent from your houses. Be sure to expand your businesses into friends’ cities with franchises! Join the fun in CityVille, by Zynga!

The world of CityVille has a ton of features and they can be overwhelming at first. Keeping track of goods, opening franchises, and collecting rent, all on a limited Energy supply can be incredibly difficult. 

It's time to set out on another adventure and travel to the far away lands of CityVille. Zynga's new city-building game puts you at the head of a small country town. After becoming mayor, you'll construct businesses, spread franchises, build homes, and even do a little farming. CityVille is full of great features, but this can often be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, our CityVille Cheats & Tips: Getting Started guide aims to help your city quickly develop into a budding metropolis.

Getting Started

CityVille uses the standard XP, Coins, Cash, and Energy formula found in most Facebook games. You use up Energy doing tasks around your city, and you gain XP and Coins from completing these tasks. Get enough XP and you'll level up. Leveling up opens up new businesses, houses, decorations, and more for you to build in your city. Finally, Cash can be bought and is used to buy premium items, services, and to opt out of sending requests to your friends. 

However, CityVille does mix things up by including Goods. Before you can collect Coin payments from your businesses, you must use Goods to stock up your store, so it's important to have a strong supply. Goods can be obtained through shipments and by harvesting crops (more on that later).

Houses & Community Buildings
In CityVille, you'll need to construct houses in order for your city to grow. Building houses will allow more people to move in, and allow you to collect more housing payments. However, your city has a maximum population limit, and as your city's population approaches the max, the citizens will get progressively unhappier.

To raise the maximum potential population, you have to build Community Buildings such as a City Hall or a Post Office. In addition to using up some Energy, these buildings require several of your friends to help by becoming employees. The alternate option is to pay 1 Cash per every position you need filled.

Businesses & Franchises
Constructing businesses is crucial to the prosperity of your CityVille City. Businesses, once unlocked, must be built and stocked before they can start making money.

A business can be turned into a franchise by building it your friends' towns. Once you have a chain going, you can build the franchise HQ in your own town and start collecting extra Coins. You are paid more based on the number of stores your franchise has opened. Collect your bonuses at the HQ.

Complete Goals & Collections
Like other popular Facebook games, CityVille is loaded with goals to complete. Completing goals rewards you with a variety of extra Coins, XP, Energy and other surprises. At the beginning, goals are often tasks that you would be doing anyways. So when getting started with CityVille, it's best to do everything based on what goals you currently have, to get those added rewards.

While in CityVille and working on your town, special items sometimes pop out of buildings. These items make up collections. Collect one of each of the five objects from the same set, and you can trade them in for XP, Energy, Coins and more.

Farming & Shipments
CityVille also allows you to work the land. Farming is one of the ways you'll be able to maintain a constant supply of Goods. Build farm plots on the land, plant seeds, and harvest crops to receive XP and precious Goods. As always, make sure to harvest those crops on time.

The other way to earn the Goods that stock your businesses, earn you coins, and keep your town running, is by using shipments. After getting started and completing various goals, you'll be allowed to make shipments with the train. Shipments either allow you to buy or sell Goods from neighboring towns. The larger the transaction, the longer the train will take to return. As you progress through the game, new modes of shipping will become available for even more ways to collect Goods.

Neighbors & Friends
In CityVille, to turn your town into an urban metropolis, you're going to need a horde of friends to help you. Friends can be used for almost every task. When visiting a neighboring town, you'll be able to harvest crops, water seeds, collect rent, and help local businesses. As mentioned above, you can also create franchises and send trains to your friends' cities.

Another great tip is to watch your friends' walls and your Facebook news feed. Your friends are bound to post notices to their walls offering free XP, Coins, and Energy which can be extremely valuable when getting started with CityVille.

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